When people visit their family dentist in Dedham, one of the questions they commonly ask is, “How white can my teeth get?” With professional teeth whitening, it is possible to make them up to 8 shades brighter. However, various factors unique to your situation influence how white your teeth will get, as you will read in this blog. 

Having a bright smile is something that everyone with stained teeth dreams of. If you are unhappy with the look of your teeth, professional teeth whitening can help. Visit your dentist in Dedham, MA, to learn about your options. 

How many shades brighter can your teeth go after a whitening treatment?

If you work with a qualified professional, they can brighten your teeth up to eight shades in a single appointment. The change is highly noticeable and is much more effective compared to other teeth whitening products, which only make your teeth brighter by two to three shades and take several weeks.

However, various factors can affect the final result after a teeth whitening treatment, such as the type of discoloration and the previous color of the teeth.

How does teeth whitening work?

Professional dental treatments break the bonds that cause discoloration, making your teeth look shiny and bright. By breaking these bonds, professionals can achieve the desired results.

If you are not comfortable with an office visit, they can also offer teeth whitening products and kits for you to use at home to address the staining.

How do you preserve your teeth whitening results?

Here are a few tips to follow to preserve the shine of your teeth after a successful teeth-whitening treatment: 

  • Oral care routine: Having a good oral care routine is very crucial for maintaining your teeth whitening results. Do not skip brushing and floss your teeth daily. Avoid using a hard-bristled toothbrush, and go for a soft-bristled one. Brush for two minutes in gentle circular motions.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking or chewing tobacco products can adversely affect your oral as well as overall health. If you continue smoking, it can significantly destroy the results of your teeth whitening. 
  • Avoid sugary and acidic foods: Stain-causing foods such as red wine, tea, and coffee should be avoided after a teeth whitening treatment to preserve its results. 

However, if you are unable to keep yourself away from such foods, rinsing immediately after eating is highly recommended. Also, avoid brushing immediately after consuming meals. Wait for 30 minutes, and then brush your teeth properly.

You do not have to wait to transform your smile and boost your confidence. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today!