Many individuals worry about puffy bags under their eyes, which may be uncomfortable and make them feel self-conscious. You may appear older or fatigued than you are due to these swollen places. The first step in coming up with workable answers is figuring out what causes them. Age, sleep deprivation, and even food decisions can all have an impact on the look of puffy bags under the eyes (ถุงใต้ตาบวม, which is the term in Thai). You may prevent them from appearing and keep your looks more renewed and young by recognizing these factors. 

Here are five common reasons that cause puffy bags under the eyes. 


The muscles and tissues around your eyes gradually deteriorate with age, providing less support for your eyelids. This weakening makes it possible for the fat that typically lines your eyes to move into your lower lids, giving the appearance of puffiness. Furthermore, when aging occurs, the skin becomes less elastic and firm, which exacerbates the appearance of puffy bags under the eyes. 

Lack Of Sleep 

Puffy eyes are mostly caused by sleep deprivation. Lack of sleep can cause the blood vessels under your eyes to enlarge, giving the appearance of considerable puffiness. Furthermore, fluid might accumulate under the eyes when you lie flat at night, aggravating puffiness. This confluence of elements gives the appearance of puffy and worn-out eyes. 

Dietary Choices 

Consuming too much salt can make your body retain fluid, which can cause puffiness, especially around the eyes. This problem is further exacerbated by processed meals that are heavy in salt, as well as by not drinking enough water. The extra fluid that your body retains tends to pool in places like the undereye circles. Lowering salt consumption and drinking more water can help reduce puffiness. 

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Swelling and inflammation around the eyes can be brought on by allergic responses. Histamines, which are released by the body in response to an allergen, can result in swelling and fluid accumulation under the eyes. You can reduce this problem by recognizing and controlling your allergies. 


Sometimes the cause of puffy bags beneath the eyes is simply heredity. You will likely have puffy eyes if your parents had them. Although genetics cannot be changed, there are therapies and lifestyle changes that can assist in controlling appearance. 

Final Words 

You may lessen the look of puffy bags beneath your eyes by being aware of these factors. By bearing these things in mind, you may continue to look young and well.